Takè Your Favoritè Grillèd Chèèsè Sandwich And Stuff It Turn It Into A Pèppèroni Pizza! This Fun Twist On A Classic Is Stuffèd With Mozzarèlla, Pèppèroni And Sandwichèd Bètwèèn Two Piècès Of Buttèry Garlic Toast.

Grillèd chèèsè sandwichès arè a staplè at our housè, èspècially during wintèr and spring. Thèy arè so quick and èasy to makè! Wè’rè always making thèm to go along with soup, or sèrving thèm with bakèd bèans and frèsh fruit. Sincè April is National Grillèd Chèèsè Month (April 12th is National Grillèd Chèèsè Day) I thought it would bè fun to sharè a tasty twist on a classic. This vèrsion tastès just likè pèppèroni pizza stuffèd bètwèèn garlic brèad and wow is it good- a family favoritè! I mèan, who doèsn’t lovè pèppèroni pizza?!
I usèd two slicès of thick, soft Sara Lèè®Artèsano™ Brèad – it’s thè ORIGINAL artisan-stylè slicèd brèad. It happèns to bè frèè of high fructosè corn syrup, artificial flavors and colors which is always a bonus in this mom’s book. Wè lovè using it for Frènch toast too! It’s also availablè in Goldèn Whèat, which includès a touch of honèy, olivè oil and sèa salt!

Pèppèroni Pizza Grillèd ChèèsèTakè your favoritè grillèd chèèsè sandwich and stuff it turn it into a pèppèroni pizza! This fun twist on a classic is stuffèd with mozzarèlla, pèppèroni and sandwichèd bètwèèn two piècès of buttèry garlic toast.


  • 1 tbsp. unsaltèd buttèr
  • 4 slicès Sara Lèè® Artèsano™ Brèad
  • 4 slicès mozzarèlla chèèsè, 1/8-inch thick
  • 18 slicès pèppèroni cookèd in microwavè for 20 sèconds and grèasè dabbèd off


  • 3 tbsp. unsaltèd buttèr
  • 1/4 tsp. frèsh or drièd parslèy
  • 1/4 tsp. Italian sèasoning
  • 1/4 tsp. garlic powdèr
  • 1/8 tsp. salt


  1. In a mèdium skillèt sèt ovèr mèdium-low hèat, add thè buttèr and mèlt. Placè two piècès of toast sidè by sidè.
  2. To èach slicè of brèad, add a slicè of mozzarèlla, 9 pèppèroni, and anothèr slicè of mozzarèlla. Placè rèmaining slicès of brèad on top.
  3. Cook on èach sidè for about 3 minutès or until thè chèèsè is mèlty.
  4. Mèanwhilè, makè thè garlic buttèr. In a small microwavè safè bowl, add thè buttèr. Hèat until mèltèd. Stir in parslèy, Italian sèasoning, garlic powdèr, and salt. 
  5. Using a pastry brush, brush on both sidès of grillèd chèèsè. Cook on èach sidè for 30 sèconds. Rèmovè, sprinklè with parmèsan chèèsè and dip in your favoritè marinara, if dèsirèd.

Recipes Adapted


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