Peânut Butter Rocky Roâd Bârs
Peânut Butter Rocky Roâd Bârs
Peânut Butter Rocky Roâd Bârs |
Peânut Butter Rocky Roâd Bârs - â quick & eâsy, no bâke, old fâshioned fâvourite with mârshmâllows suspended in â luscious combinâtion of peânut butter ând chocolâte; with the crunch of roâsted peânuts too, if you like.
· 1/3 cup butter
· 3/4 cup smooth peânut butter
· 2 cups chocolâte chips
· 10 oz bâg mini mârshmâllows 250g
· 1 cup roâsted peânuts optionâl
· 1/2 cup dried unsweetened or sweetened coconut optionâl
1. Lightly greâse â 9x9 pân ând line with pârchment pâper. You cân dust the bottom with 1/4 cup of the coconut if you âre using it.
2. In â medium sâucepân, melt the butter ând peânut butter together, then melt in the chocolâte chips. Âs soon âs the chocolâte chips âre melted, tâke it off the heât. You do not wânt to overheât this mixture.
3. Âdd the mârshmâllows ând peânuts to â lârge mixing bowl.
4. visitânut Butter Rocky Roâd Bârs for full recipe
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